Power BI Tips & Tricks: Power Up in Power Query

Power Query is undeniably one of my favorite features of Power BI, and for that matter, Excel. Power Query packs a powerful punch for performing ETL (extract, transform, and load) tasks and it's user interface makes completing these tasks pretty simple without having to write any code. I won't expand…


Power BI Tips & Tricks: DAX Organization

In the previous 2 articles, I wrote about the importance of learning DAX and offered some of my favorite resources for working with DAX. This article will conclude the trio of tips and tricks articles on DAX. I'd like to suggest a few additional tips that will help you stay…


Power BI Tips & Tricks: DAX Resources

In the last Power BI tips and tricks article, I wrote about the importance of learning DAX to open up the full capabilities in Power BI. In this article, I'd like expand on that and offer a few resources that I have found particularly helpful as I've learned and worked…


Power BI Tips & Tricks: Learn DAX!

This year I have gotten back to basics with Power BI. After working a day job that was largely focused on SSRS, on a basic on-premises Power BI setup, and on gathering proper requirements for Power BI solutions, I have returned to work in a more "traditional" Power BI environment…